Books I Live By
Books I live by

Reading is my great love, matched only by sharing these books, whether it’s by passing them on to others or telling friends about the stories I’ve read. I’m curious about so much in life and reading both satisfies and fuels this curiosity.
Perhaps that’s why my taste is so eclectic – it’s a response to the messiness of life. I pivot equally to fiction and non-fiction in both wanting to answer the ‘why’s and ‘how’s as much as wanting to be entranced by a story well told. I’m drawn to the feeling of being carried away and I also love standing on the shoulders of giants, figuratively speaking, and appreciating new perspectives on the world. And of course being up close and personal with others whose view is from the ground or from the margins.
Often when I’ve spoken at events and have mentioned various books that have influenced me, I’ve been asked for a book list after the event. And so I feel like I’ve sent out as many book lists as books over the years – which has made this list below much easier to compile! Here, then, is my treasure chest of good reads, like a glory box opened to reveal jewels and treasures that give so much pleasure as well as insight and discovery.
I hope that some of these titles will resonate with you and I invite you to share this list with others and to let me know what you think! Jane
Attlee, James
Athill, Diana
Angelou, Maya,
Anderson, Joy
Alinsky, Saul
Allende, Isabel
Curle, Adam
Courtmanche, Gil
Cotton, Olive
Collins, Billy
Coles, Robert
Chodron, Pema
Dylan, Bob
Dupleix, Jill
Dowrick, Stephanie
Dillard, Annie
Didion, Joan
De Chardin, Pierre Teilhard
Erikson, Joan
Estes, Clarissa Pinkola
Englander, Nathan,
Ehrlich, Gretel
Eggers, Dave
Funder, Anna Funder
Freire, Paulo,
Frankl, Victor,
Fejes, Claire
Gusmao, Kirsty Sword
Gourevitch, Philip
Griffiths, Jay
Griffiths, Bede
Griffin, Susan
Greenleaf, Robert
Hitchens, Christopher
Hewitt, Dorothy
Hreniko, Vilsoni
Heilpern, John
Hawken, Paul
Havel, Vaclav
Iyer, Pico
Jamie, Kathleen
Kornfield, Jack
Kingsolver, Barbara
Kunitz, Stanley
Kumar, Satish
Kogawa, Joy,
Kohen, Arnold S
Lopez, Barry
Levertov, Denise
Leopold, Aldo
Le Guin, Ursula
Larsen, Kay
Lane, Belden C
Murphy, Dervla
Morrison, Blake
Morrison, Toni
Monk Kidd, Sue
Moore, Thomas
Merton, Thomas
Nyro, Laura
Norris, Kathleen
Newell, Patrice
Neel, Alexandra David
Nafisi, Azar
Narayan, RK
O’Rourke, Meghan
Ondaatje, Michael
Oliver, Mary
Olds, Sharon
Oates, Joyce Carol
Pryor, Boori
Plumwood, Val
Pollan, Michael
Plotkin, Bill
Peacock, Doug
Palmer, Parker
Russell, Bertrand
Rupp, Joyce
Roy, Arundhati
Rowley, Hazel
Richards, MC
Rich, Adrienne
Sykes, Roberta
Stretton, Hugh
Statler, Oliver
Spratt, David and Sutton, Philip
Solnit, Rebecca
Turner, Jack
Truitt, Anne
Thoreau, Henry David
Terkel, Studs
Wright, Judith
Woolfson,. Esther
Corvus: A Life with Birds